IAJF Young Leadership (IAJF-YL), established in 2013, brings together young professionals in their 20s to mid-30s from across the Tri-State area. Dedicated to advancing IAJF’s mission, the division offers high-quality social and educational programs, networking opportunities, and cultural activities that foster community, pride in our heritage, and support for Israel.
From Shabbat dinners and Challah Bakes to AIPAC participation and Happy Hours, IAJF-YL engages its members while raising awareness for charitable causes and instilling Jewish values. By developing programs that empower the next generation of leaders, providing a platform for socializing and networking, and raising funds to support impactful causes locally and globally, IAJF-YL creates a sense of pride in Iranian Jewish culture and heritage. We invite you to join this warm and committed group of young professionals.

Daniel Mahfar Co-President
Ashley Yadidi Co-President
Sabrina Assil Vice President
Jonathan Youssian Education Chair
Nicole Lalezarzadeh Social Co-Chair
Kevin Shahery Social Co-Chair
​Robert Sameyah Israel Chair
David Oheb Real Estate Co-Chair
Eric Sedaghat Real Estate Co-Chair
Neeka Gilardian Communications Co-Chair
Amanda Homapour Communications Co-Chair
Daniella Ohebshalom Membership Co-Chair
Talia Torkian Membership Co-Chair
Lillian Mehdizadeh Nomination Co-Chair
Jacqueline Roshan Nomination Co-Chair
Gabriella Torkan Benji
Laura Hakakian
Joy Neman
Benjamin Sedaghatzandi
Jon Soleimani
Julia Shahery Torkian
Chloe Yadegar
Josh Yeroshalmi
Sanam Assil
Nathan Cohen
Jason Kahen
Deborah Abiri Merkin
Stephanie Torkian Rahmanian
Chelsea Sassouni Shmuely
Ashley Emrani Weiner

Want to get involved?
We invite you to join our warm and committed group of young professionals. Please fill out the form to the right to let us know how you’re interested in helping.
Want to learn more about IAJF-YL?
Contact IAJF Associate Director Limor Ohebshalom
Phone: 516-466-8947 Email: limor@iajfny.org